Etrange bazar – Paroles de la chanson – Toy Story.


Pixar disney bande originale soundtrack toy story

Fiche technique.

Compositeur : Randy Newman.
Date de sortie : 10 Mars 2006.
Paroles : Randy Newman.
Adaptation française : CharlÉlie Couture
Label :  Walt Disney Records.
Film : Toy Story.


Les paroles.

Interprétée en français par Charlélie Couture.

Je toisais le monde depuis ma terrasse.Je vivais la vraie vie.
Chaque chose était à sa place.
Quand un jouet mi-astronaute a débarqué de nulle part.
Et soudain, tout à coup, tout est devenu bizarre.Étrange, impossible à prévoir.
Étrange, bizarre.
Étrange, étrange bazar, bizarre.
Ai-je dit “bizarre” ? Comme c’est bizarre.
J’avais des amis.
Des tas d’amis.
Soudain évanouis, alors pour sauver la face, je souris devant la glace.
J’avais le pouvoir, on me respectait, mais j’ai perdu.
Désormais l’amour de celle que j’adorais.
Faut dire que tout ça est bien.
Étrange, impossible à prévoir.
Étrange, bizarre.
Étrange, étrange bazar, bizarre.
Ai-je dit “bizarre” ? Comme c’est bizarre.
Étrange, impossible à prévoir.

Strange Things.

I was on top of the world.
it was right in my pocket.
I was living the life things were just the way they should be.
When from out of the sky like a bomb comes some little punk in a rocket.
now all of a sudden some strange things are happening to me.
I had friends.
I had lots of friends.
Now all my friends are gone.
And I’m doing the best I can to carry on.
I had power.
I was respected.
But not any more
And I’ve lost the love. to the one whom I adored.
Let me tell you about the strange things are happening to me.
Strange things.
Strange things are happening to me.
Ain’t no doubt about it.
You got someone you think you know well.
It turns out a stranger.
The minute you turn your back.
You’re in it all by yourself.
They laugh at your jokes.
You think you’re doing well.
But you’re in danger, boy.
You end up alone, forgotten, way up on the shelf.
Strange things are happening to me.
Strange things.
Strange things are happening to me.
Ain’t no doubt about it.
Strange things are happening to me.
Strange things.
Strange things are happening to me.
Strange things.
Strange things.